作 者:汪帅东[1] 何志勇[2] Wang Shuaidong, He Zhiyong 机构地区:[1]北京师范学院文大学,北京100875 [2]大连外国语学院,大连116044 出 处:《日本探讨》2017年第1期75-81,共7页Japan Studies 摘 要:考察晚清日语译才应势而起的契机,必须逐本溯源,准确把握历史因素所带来的影响和作用。通过相关史料的爬梳与略论能够探明该契机包括两个方面:一是《中日修好条规》签订后,随着日商的陆续进驻,各大通商口岸对日语译才的需求不断增长;二是首届驻日使团东文翻译严重匮乏,致使其对日交涉活动经常受阻,日语译才培养迫在眉睫。就上述两大契机而言,从事贸易活动的日语通事出现的时间更早,规模更大,他们与驻日使馆培养的东文翻译共同成为中日近代交流史初期飞越语言藩篱的双翼。To probe into the origin of Sino-Japanese translators during late Qing dynasty and trace up the source, the effects and influences caused by historical factors must be accurately analyzed. The author holds that two aspects are included. On one hand, after the conclusion of Sino-Japanese Provisions of Cordial Relations, more and more Japanese traders came to the commerce ports, resulting an increasing demand for Sino-Japanese translators. On the other hand, a drastic shortage of translators among the first Chinese ambassador's residence in Japan became the obstacle of daily negotiations between China and Japan, making the cultivation of translators in bad need. With regards to the two aspects of the origin above, compared with the translators cultivated by Chinese ambassador's residence in Japan, the business-running Tongshi emerged earlier and was on a larger scale. The former and the latter altogether become the bridge in the modern history of Sino-Japanese communication. 关 键 词:通事 分 类 号:G1[文化科学] H059[语言文字—语言学] ,日语论文,日语论文 |