
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:彭贞 PENG Zhen ( School of Foreign Studies, Suzhou University, Suzhou ,234000, Anhui)


出  处:《蚌埠大学学报》2017年第2期106-110,共5页JOURNAL OF BENGBU COLLEGE

基  金:宿州大学科研项目(2017yyb15).

摘  要:针对当前运用型本科高校中二外日语教学质量普遍不高的现象,提出了基于日语特点的提高二外日语教学质量的方法,并进行了探究实践;在不同班级实施了比较教学,经对比略论,发现运用了该提高方法的班级在考试成绩、第三方评价等方面都取得了较好的成绩,表明所述的基于日语特点二外日语教学质量提高的方法是可行且有效的。Aimed at the present applied undergraduate colleges and universities was not high teaching quality in second foreign Japanese,it put forward measures on improving the quality of second foreign Japanese based on the characteristics of Japanese in the paper,which had carried on exploration and practice,implemented a comparative teaching in different class,and then by comparing the practice results,it found that the class which applied the characteristics of Japanese teaching measures had achieved good results at exam results and third-party evaluation and so on,and showed that the characteristics of Japanese teaching measures is feasible and effective.

关 键 词:日语特点 第二外语 提高教学质量 探究实践 

分 类 号:G645[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
