
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:阎萍 YAN Ping(City Institute, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116600, China)


出  处:《长春学院学报》2017年第6期121-124,共4页Journal of Changchun University

基  金:辽宁省教育厅教育科学‘十二五’规划立项课题(JG15DB073)

摘  要:课程体系是实施培养运用型、探讨型人才活动的载体,是提高人才培养质量的关键。本文通过日语系课程体系建设的实证探讨,通过问卷调查以及比较论证的措施,提出厚基础,精结构,优模块的新建本科院校日语系特色课程体系的改革方案,期待为新建本科院校明确人才培养目标,构建特色专业课程体系提供参考,以促进新建本科院校的稳步发展。Curriculum system is a carrier to implement the activities of cultivating applied talents and research personnel,which is the key to improve the quality of talents training. Based on the empirical study of the curriculum system construction in Japanese major,this paper gives a reform plan with the characteristics of"profound foundation,simplified structure and optimal modules"in curriculum system of Japanese major in newly-founded college by means of questionnaire survey and comparative proof,hoping to provide references for newly-founded colleges to assure a clear goal of talents cultivation and build featured curriculum system,so as to promote the steady development of newly-founded colleges.

关 键 词:新建本科院校 课程设置 特色专业 课程体系 

分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
