
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期49-56,共8页

摘  要:本文以日本电视剧的对白为探讨材料,日语毕业论文,考察日语被动句在会话中的使用情况日语论文,并对其功能作出略论。考察结果显示,日语被动句在会话中也经常为人们所使用,许多动词的被动形式都可以用于会话,其中动词“言う”的被动形式“言われる”的使用频率明显高于其他动词的被动形式。日语被动句在会话中的功能主要包括表示会话含义、暗示人称、凸显信息焦点、固定视点、表达委婉等。On the basis of the conversations appearing in a Japanese television serial, this article focuses on the usage of Japanese passive sentences in conversations and makes a detailed analysis of their function. The result shows that Japanese passive sentences are often adopted in daily conversation. The passive form of most verbs can be used in daily conversation and the passive form "iwareru" of the verb "iu" is used much more frequently than others. The function of Japanese passive sentences in conversation includes conversational implicature, suggestion of appellation, highlight of information focus, fixed point of view, euphemistic expressions, and so on.

关 键 词:日语被动句 

分 类 号:H030[语言文字—语言学]
