
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:杨长明 YANG Changming ( School of Physical Education, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China)


出  处:《西安体育大学学报》2017年第6期694-700,共7页Journal of Xi'an Institute of Physical Education

摘  要:关于"体育"和"运动"两个名词的概念、内涵,以及使用界限,当前在我国体育(运动)学术界仍然存在各种各样的理解,至今没有一个被普遍认同的界定。"体育"一次由日本传入我国,且我国体育(运动)人类学探讨受日本作用。应用人类学参与观察(fieldwork)的探讨措施,对日语中体育、運動、スポーツ的释义,以日本运动人类学组织机构及其发展为对象,对日本运动(体育)人类学领域进行探讨。探讨发现,日本运动人类学发展近30年,已经形成了科研、教育、交流"三足鼎立"的局面,而我国运动(体育)人类学发展至今已25年,关于学科思路、组织定位、发展体系等方面依然有待完善,而日本的经验值得借鉴和参考。There is still a variety understanding or unaccepted definition about the concept, connotation and boundary of "physical education" and "Sport" two nouns in the academic of sport in China until now. The fact is that China' s sport anthropology studies are enlightened by Japan's sport. The author focuses on Japanese "TAIIKU", "UNDOU", "SPORT", and Japanese sport anthropology organizing system via anthropological participant observation (fieldwork) research methods. Japan' s sports anthropology grows and develops for nearly 30 years, having formed "Three Pillars" within scientific, educa- tion, cooperation. In China, sports anthropology, which develops for 25 years, still need to keep on moving ahead in depth development, organization, and organized system.

关 键 词:日本 

分 类 号:G802[文化科学—运动人体科学;文化科学—体育学]
