基于同伴互评(peer response)的学院日语写作实践探讨[日语论文]

资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张文丽 Zhang Wenli;Xi’an Jiaotong University;


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期86-91,共6页

基  金:2017教育部人文社科探讨一般项目“日语中介语系统显性知识和隐性知识测试体系的建立及运用探讨”(项目编号:12YJA740107)的阶段性探讨成果

摘  要:本探讨在中国学院日语系写作课上导入同伴互评活动(peer response),日语论文,讨论了如下两个课题:一,同伴互评如何作用学生的二语写作修改过程?二,学生如何看待同伴互评和教师批改的有效性?略论结果显示:学生通过PR,日语论文,接收到同学的反馈信息,激发了选择、加工、处理、比较等一系列认知活动,使得和反馈信息相关的一些语法知识得以内化和吸收。问卷调查的结果显示,学生喜欢获得同伴的反馈,对PR的有效性基本认同。This study introduced a writing activity based on the peer response method in a Chinese college level Japanese writing class. Two primary issues are raised and discussed: (1) how the peer response method influences the revision process in L2 and (2) how learners evaluate the effectiveness of peer response and corrections made by teachers. The results indicate that feedback from other learners through peer response facilitated the learners' cognition process, including selection, comparison, and the internalization of grammatical knowledge related to the peer feedback. The questionnaire results also show that learners favor the peer response and recognize its effectiveness in writing activities.

关 键 词:同伴互评 

分 类 号:H365[语言文字—日语]
