
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王忻[1] 何哲[2] Wang Xin1 He Zhe2 (1. School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China; 2. Foreign Languages and Trade Department, Jiaxing 314000, Jiaxing Vocational Technical College, China)

机构地区:[1]杭州师范学院外国语大学,浙江杭州311121 [2]嘉兴职业技术大学外语与贸易分院,浙江嘉兴314000

出  处:《浙江学院学报:人文社会科学版》2017年第6期69-77,共9页Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)

基  金:国家社会科学基金项目(09BYY078)

摘  要:对于事物的有界无界和动作的有界无界的对应联系,在英语中,如表示有界动作,名词化后可以加不定冠词"a";如表示无界动作,名词化后不能加不定冠词。在汉语里,动词和名词一样可以在前面加数词"一",使原来表示的无界动作变为有界动作。而在日语中,使无界动词表达的无界动作变为有界动作的最好工具就是格助词"マデ"。"マデ"必须与无界谓语匹配,"マデニ"必须与有界谓语匹配。作为此规则的延伸,持续体即"シテイル"句在深层结构中要求"マデ"格,完成体"スル·シタ"句在深层结构中有条件地要求"マデニ"格。语言使用中违反上述准则即为偏误,纠正偏误的措施或是调整谓语的有界无界,或是调换"マデ"、"マデニ"。As an important part of the general cognitive mechanism,the bounded-unbounded opposition is one of the most fundamental conceptions in human cognition.According to the cognitive grammar,language competence is part of the general cognitive capabilities;therefore,the bounded-unbounded opposition in human consciousness is necessarily reflected in their language structures.The correlation between boundedness in things and that in action is,for example,visible in the English language,where an indefinite article of″a,″or″an,″is put in frontof a nominalized verb to indicate a bounded action,while for an unbounded action no such article is needed whatsoever.In Chinese,the nature of action described by a verb can be changed from unbounded to bounded by inserting a numeral word one in front of the verb,as happens to a noun.In Japanese,likewise,an unbounded action is made bounded by the case particle of″マデ.″For instance,the sentence″本 を 読 む/Read books″expresses the idea of an unbounded action,while in the sentence″5時 まで 本 を 読 む/Read books till 5o'clock″the action is understood as bounded;conversely,″マデ″must be used together with unbounded verbs,by which rule none of the following expressions can be accepted in Japanese:″*5 時 ま で 殺 す/Kill someone till 5o'clock,″″*5時まで行く/Go till 5o'clock,″″*5時まで結婚する/Wed till 5o'clock,″″*5時まで死ぬ/Die till 5o'clock,″simply because the verbs in all those sentences are bounded.On the other hand,predicates in マ デ ニsentences are mostly of bounded nature.For instance,the verb″帰 る/return″in the sentence″十 時 ま で に 帰 る/Return by 10o'clock″is typically bounded;the verb″読む/read″in the sentence″来週までに三冊読む/Read three books by next week″becomes bounded because of the numeral phrase of″三冊/3books,″though the verb is unbounded by itself — in other words,the sentence sounds naturally and comfortably acceptable

关 键 词:语助词 体 偏误 有界 无界 

分 类 号:H195[语言文字—汉语]
