
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:徐微洁 XU Weijie ( College of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China)


出  处:《浙江师范学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第2期80-90,共11页Journal of Zhejiang Normal University:Social Sciences

基  金:浙江省哲社规划项目“日语女性标记词’的语义与体系探讨”(15NDJC225YB);浙江省“钱江人才计划”c类项目“现代日语女性标记词’语义内涵探讨”(7);浙江省外文学会重点项目“基于语料库的汉日‘女性标记词’对比探讨”(ZWZD2017018)

摘  要:通过调查《朝日新闻》的数据库,略论了日语女性标记词"女性~"的使用近况、语法接续和使用变化,同时考察了其适用性强和使用发生变化的原因。通过考察,发现"女性~"具有使用范围广、语法接续自由、后接词素丰富多样等特点,日语论文,且其后项要素没有"女性~"和"女流~"等其他女性标记词后项要素所显示的显著特点,日语论文题目,同时其使用呈逐年递增的趋势。导致"女性~"出现上述特点的原因可归结为两点:"女性~"作为自由语素的形态学特征;2.单独使用的"女性~"所具有的“女性这种性别”的语义和“新颖、中立、正式”的语感。Taking Asahi Shimbun of the year 2017 as its data, the paper studies the current situation, grammatical proclitic words and the changes of use of the Japanese feminine marker "Josei - ", and then analyzes its range of use and explains the causes for the changes. The findings show that "Josei -" as a marker, with its use on a continuous increase, has a wide range of application and a good flexibility in collocation with its proclitic morphemes rich in variety, and its proclitic items are not as limited as those of other feminine markers like " Josi - " or " Joryu ". There are two reasons accounting for these features: the morphological feature of "Josei ~ " as a free morpheme, and its denotation of "female gender" and its connotation of "novelty, neutrality and formality" in independent use.

关 键 词:自由语素 语义与语感 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
