
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:和佳 HE Jia(Culture and Tourism College of YunNan University, LiJiang YunNan 674100, China)


出  处:《襄阳职业技术大学学报》2017年第6期62-65,119共5页Journal of Xiangfan Vocational and Technical College

摘  要:为了更好地区分日语副词的近义词“ようやく”和“やっと”,利用现代日语书面语均衡语料库的“少纳言”检索系统,考察两者文体和共起动词方面的差异。可以得知,两者的最大异同在于文体方面。两者的共起动词、相同动词的用法、共起动词的形式都有差异。In order to distinguish Japanese adverbs “ようやく ”and“やっと ” better, used the ‘少纳言 retrieval system of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese to see the style and collocation verb difference between them. It can be seen that the most differences is style, “ようやく” is mainly used in formal? writing and written language, while“やっと ” is mainly used in informal?writing and spoken language. The verbs collocate with “ようやく”and “やっと”are “なゐ” 、 “どきゐ” ,“出ゐ ”,“すゐ”、“分かゐ”,“気づく”,“戻ゐ”、“たざりっく”,“見っけゐ ”,“終ゎゐ ”,“着く”. The verbs collocate with“ ょぅゃく ”are “返ゐ”,“見ゐ”. The verbs collocate with “ゃつと”are “来ゐ”、“言ぅ”、“見ぇゐ”. From the same verbs used in both, it can be seen that it takes lots of time and energy to achieve something..“ようやく”emphasizes the process before achieving something, mainly connecting with abstract nouns and natural phenomenon nouns.“やっと” emphasizes the thing is long-awaited, mainly connecting with concrete noun. Furthermore, in the form of collocation with verbs, auxiliary types and noun types of “ようやく ” are more than “やっと” .

关 键 词:文体 共起动词 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
