作 者:柯克雷 Ke Kelei ( Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018 ) 机构地区:浙江财经学院,浙江杭州310018 出 处:《绍兴文理大学学报》2017年第1期96-101,共6页Journal of Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences 基 金:浙江省教育厅2017年课题《日语“新语”和“流行语”产生及推广的比较探讨》,项目编号:Y201732372. 摘 要:日语中的“新语”与“流行语”是两种不同的词汇,但常被同时提及,导致许多人误认为它们是同一概念。它们大多不会被收录在正式的词典里,所以很难正确理解其词义和用法。“新语”与“流行语”真实反映了日本社会中存在的各种热点问题,在日本广为流行,日语毕业论文,但许多日语学习者却无法从既有的教科书中获取这两种词汇。本文旨在以2017年度十大流行语为中心,研讨新语、流行语的定义、产生、特点及两者之间的关系与区别,帮助日语学习者加强对新语、流行语的理解,日语毕业论文,并掌握获取它们的措施和途径。"New words" are newly emerged words of Japanese, some of which have recently been included in dictionaries and some of which are yet to be included. "Buzzwords" are fashionable words or phrases currently used in Japan, usually not included in for- mal vocabulary. Both types of words are rarely used in existing textbooks, but they reflect hotspot issues in the Japanese society and are popular with the Japanese public. Japanese language learners find it difficult to learn these words and capture their meanings and usages through traditional textbooks. This paper attempts to discuss these words in terms of their definitions, development and char- acteristics. By looking into the top ten buzzwords of the year 2017, this paper aims to help Japanese language learners to better un- derstand these new words and buzzwords as well as learn how and where to access them. 关 键 词:新语 分 类 号:G633.46[文化科学—教育学] |