
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:徐学超[1] Xu Xue-chao (Dalian Neusofi Institute of Information System in Japanese, Dalian Liaoning, 116023, China)


出  处:《佳木斯职业大学学报》2017年第2期270-271,共2页Journal of Jiamusi Education Institute

摘  要:日本是对自己所处近况十分敏感的社会,每年都会选出本年度的流行语,也会罗列出许多不被使用的「死語」。近年来,日语中的「死語」现象愈发受到关注。众所周知,一种语言从产生、到形成包括发音、文字、语法体系在内的完整系统需要历经漫长的过程,日语论文,因而应该具有很大的稳定性。「死語」是时代的产物,日语论文题目,也能够反映出特定时期的内在社会近况。本文将对日语中的「死語」进行分类,总结其特点和规律以及产生的原因,希望能对日语教学和日语学习有所帮助。Japan's very sensitive about the present situation of their own society, each year, this year's popular is selected will be listed out many not used"dead language". In recent years, the Japanese"dead language"is the more and more popular. As is known to all, from production, to form a language, including pronunciation, words and grammar, complete system needs to be after a long process, and therefore should be of great stability."Dead language"is the product of the era, but also can reflect the social status within a specific period. This article to classify a"dead language"in Japanese, summarize its characteristics and laws and their causes, hoping to help in Japanese teaching and learning.

关 键 词:社会变化 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
