
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王月婷[1] WANG Yue - ting ( City Institute of Dalian University of Science and Technology, Dalian Liaoning 116052, China)


出  处:《湖北函授学院学报》2017年第11期127-128,共2页

基  金:辽宁省成人教育学会2017-2017年度成人高等教育专项科研课题“成人高校外语教学与人才培养模式改革探讨”阶段性成果(项目编号:LC1328)

摘  要:基础日语课程内容涉及面广,学生学习难度大,关于授课方式要求高,课前需进行大量的教学准备工作。如果在课堂上合理应用"实践导向教学法",既能让学生积极参与到教与学的实践之中,也能顺利完成教学大纲所要求的教学任务。因此,担任《基础日语课程的教师,要以能力培养为本位,提升学生综合运用能力,在现有教学资源的基础上,加强教学模式的创新,实现教学目标、教学方式、教学资源的重组,创立师生互动交流的教学情境,应用实践导向教学法,提高日语教学质量、锻炼学生的语言综合应用能力。The " Basic Japanese" covers a wide range of contents and has high requirements for teaching method. It not only did students leaning difficult,but also need teachers to have a large number of teaching preparation work before the class. If we can use the " practice teaching" reasonably,it not only can make students take part in practice of teaching and studying,but also can finish the complete task of teaching syllabus. Based on teaching resources nowadays,the teachers need to regard ability training as the most important thing. It can improve the social ability of students and change the teaching method to realize the goals of teaching. Through treating the teacher and students and using the practice teaching,the action- oriented teaching method should improve the quality of Japanese teaching and train the comprehensive language ability of students.

关 键 词:实践导向 日语教学 教学设计 教授法改革 

分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
