
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:黄爱华[1] HUANG Ai-hua (Department of Applied Foreign Language, Fuzhou Polytechnic, Fuzhou 350108, Fujian, China)


出  处:《韶关大学学报》2017年第9期177-180,共4页Journal of Shaoguan University(Social Science Edition)

基  金:福州职业技术大学2017-2017学年混合教学模式改革专项教改项目“日语听力混合教学模式改革”(201705)

摘  要:针对零起点的日语听力课程教学不同阶段的特点,坚持以"学生为主体、教师为主导"的教学理念,借助校园网络教学平台,应用多种教学设备和工具、教材和媒体,将传统的课堂教学方式与互联网教学方式有机结合,构建不同的线上网络教学和线下课堂教学比例,建设良好的教学环境。混合教学模式改革的目的是通过教学内容、教学手段的混合,强化教师的主导地位,突出学生的主体地位,不断完善网络资源建设,实现教、学、做三方面的跨越式发展,从而达到最优的教学效果。The students, most with zero exposure to Japanese listening prior to this course, will go through different learning stages in this course. According to different characteristics at each stage, the blended learning approach will adopt a teaching philosophy of "for the student, by the teacher", incorporate multiple teaching devices and tools, texts and media, combine the traditional brick-and-mortar teaching method with the internet-based one, develop a flexible on-line and off-line teaching schedule, and establish a beneficial study environment. Through a better mix of teaching contents and methods, blended learning reforms aim at reinforcing the guidance from the teacher, enhancing the ownership from the student, continuously improving the online resources, achieving the break-through in teaching, studying and practicing, all for the optimal teaching effect.

关 键 词:混合教学 教学模式 零起点 日语听力 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
