
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:盛文忠[1] Sheng Wenzhong (Male) Year of Birth: 1971 Associate Professor at Shanghai Intemational Studies University Japanese Linguistics Study E-mail: swz_42281@163.com


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期7-13,共7页

基  金:2017年度上海市教育委员会科研创新项目(重点)“汉日语语法特征的语言类型学探讨”(批准号:13zs047)的阶段性成果

摘  要:多项形容词定语共现时,认知准则、词汇准则、语义准则、语用准则等多个准则相互影响。当多个准则相互和谐一致时语序对比较固定;当多个准则之间相互竞争冲突时语序则相对自由。汉语和日语在认知准则方面体现出跨语言的普遍性--共性,但在词汇准则等方面则体现出汉日语各自不同的特殊性--个性。当形容词定语都前置于名词时,其相互顺序并非全都相当稳定,日语论文,有时也才目对比较自由。Multiple principles interact when several adjectives co-exist as attributives, such as the cognitive principle, the lexical principle, the semantic principle, and the pragmatic principle. Word order is relatively fixed when multiple principles are in mutual harmony, but relatively free when multiple principles are in conflict with each other. With respect to cognitive principles, Chinese and Japanese embody the universality of cross-language -- commonness, but in such aspects as lexical principles, they each reflect a different particularity -- personality. Adjective attributives before the noun could sometimes be free rather than completely fixed.

关 键 词:类型学 汉日对比 多项形容词定语 语序 

分 类 号:H146.3[语言文字—汉语]
