
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:于秋芳[1] 张唐梁[1] YU Qiu-fang, ZHANG Tang-liang


出  处:《湖北广播电视学院学报》2017年第12期132-133,共2页Journal of Hubei Radio& Televisonuniversity

基  金:南京邮电学院引进人才项目,项目编号:NY209029.

摘  要:随着社会的发展,我国日语系面临专业规模的扩大、人才培养目标的变化、授课时数不断减少的变化及中日联系的紧张使日语系学生就业形势的变化等各种新形势.在种种新形势及新变化下,日语系在师资队伍的建设、课程体系的设置及教学手段、教学理念等方面也要进行相应的变革.在师资队伍建设方面要求建成一支政治思想素质好、业务能力强、数量适当、专业优化、结构合理的专业师资队伍,同时制订科学合理的课程建设规划,重视教学内容和课程体系改革.With the development of society, the major of Japanese in China is confronted with new situations. The enrollment has been expanded, the objective of talents cultivation has been different, and the credits have been fewer; moreover, the tension of sino-Japanese relationship has led to the decrease of job opportunities for Japanese majors. Accordingly, the faculty, curriculum, pedagogical methods, teaching concepts should also be reformed. A professional teaching team of reasonable numbers, with excellence in morality and major is in urgent need. A sound curriculum design should also be made, with emphasis on major subjects and credit allocation.

关 键 词:新形势 高校日语 专业建设 师资队伍建设 人才培养 

分 类 号:G64[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
