
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张可欣[1] ZHANG Kexin (Zhoukou Normal University,Institute of Foreign Languages, Zhoukou 466001,China)


出  处:《周口师范大学学报》2017年第4期76-78,共3页Journal of Zhoukou Normal University

摘  要:对汉语中的日源新词声优”的来源进行了初步认定,并通过对汉语的“声优”和日语的[声侵]在使用情况、用法举例等方面的对比,认定两者都是名词,都有表示“配音演员”及“配音工作本身”两种含义,日语论文题目日语论文,用法一致。This paper has made a preliminary confirmation about the origin of seiyuu, the Japanese-originated neologism, which means the voiceover artist. The paper also has made a comparison between the Chinese phrase shengyou and the Japanese words seiyuu in the current using and exampling situation, since they are highly similar in character. This paper has made a confirmation that these two words are both nouns and they have a consistent usage of involving the two meanings: voiceover artist and voiceover work.

关 键 词:日源新词 声优 使用情况 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
