
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王华伟[1] 曹亚辉[1] 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期8-16,共9页

摘  要:日语动词使用频数,日语论文,从分布情况来看,高使用频数的动词随着频数的依次递减每个区间内动词的数量反而在增加;而低使用频数区域内的动词每个区间内动词的数量没有一定的规律。词义条数与使用频数方面,词典中的释义条数随着动词使用频数的降低而依次递减,高使用频数的动词区域内体现得比较明显,而低使用频数的动词区域内表现得异同很小。词条标记的数量与使用频数方面,高使用频数动词的多标记词语要略高于低使用频数动词。该探讨成果对日语教学也有一定的参考价值。If the frequency of a Japanese verb is examined by its distribution, along with the descending of the frequency of the verbs of high frequency, the quantity of verbs in each section increases insteadily,the quantity of verbs in the low frequency variation does not show a rule.If it is seen from the relation between the number of semantic interpretation and frequency, the number of the semantic interpretation in a dictionary will decrease as verbal use frequency falls: when it is a verb of high frequency, in the case of the verb of low frequency, it does not clarify so much to having appeared most clearly. In the relation between the number of verbal notations and frequency, it is the result of saying that the verb of high frequency can be declared a little more than the verb of low frequency. It seems that this research has reference value also in Japanese language education.

关 键 词:动词 使用频数 词义解释 词条标记 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
