
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:杨丹[1] 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期59-66,共8页

摘  要:动态助词“了”受前面动词性质及句中其它成分参与的作用,在时态上呈现出多样性,由此导致在中译日过程中对应日语的时态形式也呈现出多样性的特点。本文将现代汉语中动词“V”与动态助词“了”捆绑在一起,通过对中日对译语料库中含有“V了”的实例略论发现,日语毕业论文,“V了”在时态上与寺村秀夫(1984)的一次态、二次态的七种形式「シタ」「、スル」「、テイル」「、テアル」「、テシマウ」「、テクル」「、テイク」皆能相对应,并在此基础上研讨了“V了”与这七种时态形式的对应联系。The Chinese aspect particle“le”is influenced by the nature of the verb before it and other components in the sentence, thus, showing diversity in aspect. Accordingly, the aspect of the sentence displays diversity in the Chinese-Japanese translation. This paper combines verb and the aspect particle“le”in modern Chinese together, and by analyzing the“V 了”cases in the Chinese-Japanese Translation Corpus, finds that“V了”in aspect corresponds with the seven forms of Teramura Hideo’s (1984) first and second aspect, that is,「シタ」「、スル」「、テイル」「、テアル」「、テシマウ」「、テクル「」テイク」. Then, the correspondence in aspect between“V了”and the seven forms is discussed.

关 键 词:V了 

分 类 号:H146.3[语言文字—汉语]
