
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王瑞方[1] WANG Ruifang (Cunjin College of Guangdong Oeean University, ZhanjiangGuangdong, 524094, China)


出  处:《湛江师范大学学报》2017年第5期109-112,共4页Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College

摘  要:日语词汇“目”的惯用表现在日常生活中被频繁的使用,其语义扩展也是源于隐喻和换喻的认知影响。与“隐喻”相关的用法包括基于“形状的相似性”和基于“抽象的相似性”两个方面。与“换喻”相关的用法主要是向“判断能力”扩展,向“关心、注目的能力”扩展,向“阅读能力”扩展,日语论文,向“耳目”功能扩展和向。心理活动”功能扩展。The idiomatic uses of the Japanese word "eye" are commonly seen in people's daily life; and its semantic extension originates from Japanese people's cognitive understanding of the word's metaphori- cal and metonymical connotations. The metaphorical usage of the word "eye" includes similarities both of the concrete and the abstract; while the metonymical usage of the word "eye" includes mainly five ways, namely, the extension of "judgment", the extension of "care", the extension of "reading", the extension of "attention" and the extension of "psychological activities".

关 键 词:“目” 惯用表现 隐喻 换喻 语义扩展 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
