
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:陈会林[1] 梁高峰[1] CHEN HUILIN, LIANG GAOFENG (Department of Japanese, School of Foreign Languages, Xidian University, Xi'an, 710071, China)


出  处:《西安电子科技学报:社会科学版》2017年第3期124-128,共5页Journal of Xidian University (Social Sciences Edition)

基  金:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(批准编号:72115724)

摘  要:工科院校现行的日语演讲指导多是针对少数优秀学生采取“头痛医头,日语毕业论文,脚痛医脚”的策略,在挖掘学生演讲潜力、激发学生参赛热情以及提高学生学习动机方面存在不足。西安电子科技学院日语系在口语课堂中引入演讲指导的尝试表明:工科院校的日语学习者也有掌握演讲技能的学习需求,但是,自信心的匮乏和现行演讲指导体制中“精英速成指导”的理念让绝大多数学习者在比赛面前止步。而且,该尝试效果的调查结果表明:在工科院校日语系本科课程中开设演讲指导课程是可行的,日语论文题目,同时也是必要的。The speech guidance is given only for a few excellent students in the engmeenng universities.This kind of teaching lacks the power of digging out the students' study potentiality, stimulating their enthusiasm for taking part in the speech contests, and improving their study motivation. The introduction of the speech guidance into the oral class of the Japanese major in Xidian University shows that the students also demand to master the speech skills, but they always retreat when facing the contest mainly because they lack the confidence. Furthermore, the investigation shows that it is feasible as well as necessary to have speech guidance curriculum for Japanese majors in engineering universities.

关 键 词:自律学习 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
