作 者:牛立保[1] Niu Libao (School of Yi Hua, Xi'an Fanyi University, Xi'an Shaanxi 710105, China) 出 处:《西安翻译大学学报》2017年第1期51-53,60共4页JOURNAL OF XIAN FANYI UNIVERSITY 摘 要:随着中日两国各方面交流的进一步深入,如何能够培养出具有高水准,拥有较强语言交际能力的运用型人才已成为当前日语教学中的当务之急。本文主要是从因日语综合应用能力培养的不足,而导致实践能力缺陷的例子人手,对当前的运用日语教育模式进行了剖析,从而发现日语教学实践当中存在着的诸多问题。着重强调新建高职院校运用日语系学生课堂实践能力的培养应该以“新”字为开端,在教育目标、教学理念、教程结构和教学措施等方面上多下功夫,日语论文,力争创建出行之有效的新的教学模式。With the further deepening of exchanges between China and Japan, how we can cultivate applied talents with high level of interpersonal skills and strong language ability has become imperative. Examples of this paper are mainly from the student, who are short of applied and practical ability. The paper analyses the current situation of Japanese students, and thus found that there are many issues concerning Japanese teaching practice. The author Emphasizes on the importance of practical ability of Japanese students. The paper suggests that we should train the practical ability in the classrooms from the angles of teaching objective, teaching idea, course structure and teaching methods. 关 键 词:教学模式 就业形势 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文 |