
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:姚艳玲[1] 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第4期14-19,共6页

基  金:2017年度国家社会科学基金(青年项目)资助项目“日汉语事件结构表达式的认知对比探讨”(项目编号:10CYY046)的阶段性成果

摘  要:本文首先从广义的"语态范畴的角度略论了日语对偶自他动词中"有对自动词"无标记具有"被动"语义的问题(例,「町が空襲で焼けた」)。通过考察"有对自动词"无标记派生"被动"语义的过程,说明了日语动词词汇与"语态范畴语义相关性的重要特征。并基于认知语言学范畴化的理论,研讨了日语"语态"现象以因果联系为动因,从原型的单一事件向边缘的复合事件扩展的机制,揭示了日语的"语态"是通过动词的形态变化,来表述认知突显的语法范畴。This paper analyzes semantic examples (eg. Machi ga kuusyuu de yaketa) of unmarked passive sentences with paired intransitive verbs among dual transitive and intransitive verbs in Japanese and through the process illustrates the important semantic correspondence of verb lexicon and voice category in Japanese from a generalized perspective of voice category. Based on the theory of the categorization of cognitive linguistics, the mechanism of voice phenomenon, motivated by causal chain extending from the single event of prototype to the peripheral compound event, the paper suggests that voice in Japanese language expresses the grammatical category of cognitive salience through the form transformation of verbs.

关 键 词:语态 有对自动词 因果联系 事件结构 认知突显 

分 类 号:H0[语言文字—语言学]
