
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:曾西萍[1] Zeng Xiping (Xi'an EURASIA University School of Foreign Language,Xi'an 710065,China)


出  处:《价值工程》2017年第6期 195-196,共2页Value Engineering

摘  要:行为引导型教学法是以学生为中心,以培养学生行为能力为目标,在教师的行为引导下,通过多种不定型的活动形式,激发学生的学习热忱和兴趣,使学生主动使用脑、心、手进行学习的教学措施。近年来我校二外日语教学中,致力于行为引导型教学法实践,旨在全面提高学生的综合素质,以推进我校的二外日语的教学改革,使学生能较快适应社会。在二外日语教学的过程中开展行为引导教学法,在分院及教研室的大力支持下,师生积极投入,由点及线、由线及面地展开了对行为引导型教学法的实践,取得了一定的效果,改变了教师的传统的教育观念,树立全新的教育理念,提高了学生的综合素质,同时也促进了教师的自身素质的提高,体现了行为引导型教学法的价值。Action-oriented teaching method is student-centered,taking the cultivation of students' action ability as the goal,under the guidance of the teacher's behavior,through a variety of uncertain forms of activities,stimulating students' enthusiasm and interest in learning so that students take the initiative to use the brain,heart hand to learn.In teaching of secondary foreign language of recent years,we devotes ourselves to the practice of actionoriented teaching method and achieves certain effect,which changed teacher's traditional educational concepts,established a new philosophy of education,improved the overall quality of students,and also promoted the improvement of the quality of their teachers,expressed the value of action-oriented teaching method.

关 键 词:二外日语教学 行为引导型教学法 关键能力 

分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
