作 者:桑凤平[1] 机构地区:[1]重庆学院,重庆400044 出 处:《外语学刊》2017年第2期 73-76,共4页Foreign Language Research 基 金:重庆市重大决策咨询探讨课题“职业教育对产业发展的影响及路径选择-日本模式对重庆的借鉴”(ZDK-TB12017)的阶段性成果 摘 要:语言的创造性来源于洪堡特对语言本质的思考。洪堡特注意到语言的活动性和创造性特征,坚持用发生、生成和变化的观点去看待语言,认为语言存在的价值在于使用者的创造性。日语的发展遵循创造性思维规律,广泛吸收多元化语言资源,有效补偿语言透支的缺憾,以期实现语言自身的丰富与发展。The concept of language openness originated in Humboldt’s theory concerning the essence of language. Humboldt pointed out the arbitrariness and creativity as to the characters of language and insisted that the essence of language should be understood in terms of a process of occurring, generating and evolving. His belief was that the value of language lies in the creative use of language. In accordance with Humboldt’s idea, the Japanese language absorbs extensive and diversified languages’ resources with open mind in order to compensate for the vacancy within the Japanese language and make use of these resources to finally promote the diversity and sound development of its language. 关 键 词: 分 类 号:H0-05[语言文字—语言学] ,日语论文,日语毕业论文 |