
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:焦丽珍[1] JIAO Li-zhen(Xinzhou Teachers University,Xinzhou 034000,China)


出  处:《忻州师范大学学报》2017年第6期113-117,共5页Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University

基  金:忻州师范大学院级基金资助项目(201717)

摘  要:文章通过调查、探讨、略论发现学生在学习日语语法过程中,母语及已掌握的英语对学生学习的日语语法迁移,通过略论探讨可以得知在今后教学中,在哪些方面要采用对比略论教学法,在哪些方面采用错误理论略论法,哪些方面采用叙述法,才能使学生最大程度、最短时间掌握最有效的学习内容,使二外教师能够在教学过程中,进一步改进教学措施,提升自己的课堂教学质量,建立新型的教学模式,并为二外教师教学科研提供科学的理论依据。This paper aims to find out the transferred effect of students' learning Japanese grammar by doing research,investigation and analysis,to what extent their mother tongue and English knowledge learned will affect the Japanese grammar learning.Through the conclusion therefore drew,we could know clearly what kind of methods can be used and which is the best,be it analyzing by contrast or error,or the method of teacher's expounding.By doing this research,the Japanese teacher could further improve their teaching method and teaching quality and let the students learn Japanese grammar within a minimum time limit and grasp grammar knowledge more efficiently.Based on this research,a new mode of teaching will be established,and a theoretical foundation will be provided for Japanese teaching.

关 键 词:二外日语 语法教学 实证探讨 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
