
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:黄文溥[1] HUANG Wen-pu(College of Foreign Languages,Huaqiao Univ.,Quanzhou,362021,China)


出  处:《华侨学院学报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第1期 126-132,共7页Journal of Huaqiao University(Humanities & Social Science)

基  金:教育部人文社会科学探讨规划基金(10YJA740037)

摘  要:在研讨日语动词连用中顿形的使用规律时,以往的探讨没有深入考察语义与文体的联系,甚至出现轻视文体重要性的倾向。但是,对近现代小说语料中的日语动词连用中顿形的历时考察结果显示:语义与文体密切相关。在语义上,先行义取代并列义成为使用频率最高的用法,语义由并列义朝先行义、附带状态义方向进行的引申不断深化;与此同时,在文体上,严谨体.疏放体与书面语体.口语体这两种复杂交织在一起的文体对立发生单一化,前一种文体对立势力减弱,后一种继续存在。语义扩张与文体变化相辅相成,两者处于共变的联系之中。In the past studies on the infinitive form of verb in Japanese,the mutual relation of meaning and style has not been well examined,even a tendency of ignoring the importance of the style appeared.However,the diachronic research on the infinitive form of verbs in modern Japanese novels shows: there is a close relation between meaning and style in the use of infinitive verbs.Semantically,the precedence meaning instead of the coordinate meaning has become the highest frequency in the use;the meaning is developing more and more from the coordinate meaning to the precedence meaning and additional state meaning.Simultaneously,on the style,the two kinds of stylistic opposition,namely the rigorous/diffusive stylistic opposition and the spoken/written stylistic opposition,have become one stylistic opposition.The influence of the former has grown fainter,while the latter remains.The semantic extension and stylistic change are playing a part together in the Japanese language with a covariant relationship.

关 键 词:语义引申 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
