
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李家祥[1] LI Jia-xiang (People's Education Press, Beijing 100081, China)


出  处:课程教材.教法》2017年第8期69-76,118共9页Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method

基  金:本文系2017年度国家社科基金重大项目“中国百年教科书整理与探讨”(课题批准号:10&ZD095,首席专家:徐岩)的探讨成果之一.

摘  要:日语课程标准实验教材遵循日语课程标准采用日语教育语法系统。本文重点从词类体系和活用形体系两个方面对其语法系统考察。从词类体系来看,与以往初高中日语教材相比,主要有六个方面的变化。从活用形体系来看,则在四个方面发生了根本性改变。与传统的学校语法系统相比,日语论文,笔者认为日语课程标准实验教材的语法系统具有准确把握用言活用实质、体现日语语法范畴观念等六方面的优点。同时,指出日语课程标准实验教材在语法系统的把握和部分语法项目的处理及符号应用等方面还存在需要改进的地方,并提出相应的改善方案。The new curriculum experimental Japanese textbooks adopt the grammar system of Japanese education under the guidance of Japanese Curriculum. This article mainly investigates the grammar system in terms of word category and the inflections of verbs ~ adjectives. In the case of word category, there are six changes of Japanese vocabulary, compared with original Junior and Senior high school Japanese textbooks. In the case of inflections of verbs ~〉 adjectives, four fundamental changes occur. Compared with traditional school grammar system, the grammar system of new curriculum experimental Japanese textbooks has six advantages, such as suitable handling of verbs ~ adjectives inflections and accurate presenting of Japanese grammar categories concepts. At the same time, it is mentioned that improvements should be made in new curriculum experimental Japanese textbooks in terms of grammar system redesigning, critical grammar items processing and the use of alphabets; the plan of improvement is posed in the article as well.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:G633.6[文化科学—教育学]
