
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:曾婧[1] Zeng Jing ( Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 201783, China )


出  处:《北京第二外国语大学学报》2017年第10期17-27,共11页Journal Beijing International Studies University

基  金:本探讨为上海市教委科研创新重点项目“语源学视角下的日语音韵体系探讨--基于古汉语认知优势的日语音韵体系及词源探讨”(13ZS042)前期成果,项目负责人:皮细庚.感谢导师皮细庚教授的悉心指导,感谢匿名审稿专家提出的宝贵修改意见.

摘  要:本文通过考察日语波行万叶假名的闽南语发音,对古代日语中P音的存在提供了新的考证,并对,{行声母在古代是否是B音及日语上古音中是否存在H音进行了略论验证,日语论文,得出了以下结论:万叶假名的汉字在古汉语中读P音,为波行声母在古代日语读P音提供了新的佐证,日语毕业论文,且不送气的读法多于送气的读法;行声母可能不仅仅读作B音,而是经过了B音、P音混用的阶段,最后才逐渐固定为B音;古代日语中也有可能存在H音。非、敷、奉5母所对应的万叶假名,有可能读作P音、H音或F音。This paper investigates the Southern Min Dialect pronunciation of Chinese character used in Ha-line of Manyo-gana (a form of syllabary used in the Manyo-shu or Collection of Myriad Leaves ) , provides new evidence for the existence of P-sound in ancient Japanese, and analyzes whether the pronunciation of Ba-line Initials in ancient is B-sound and whether H-sound exists in the ancient Japanese. As a conclusion, the research shows that Ha-line' s Chinese character pronounced with P-sound in ancient times increase the possibility of P-sound' s existence, and unaspirated pronunciation is probably more commonly used than aspirated pronunciation. The Ba-line Initial Consonants is originally not only pronounced as B-sound, but also goes through a B, P-sound mix stage with a clear distinction, and finally gradually settles for B-sound. H-sound probably exists in ancient Japanese. The corresponding Manyo-gana of "Fei, Fu, Feng" Initial Consonants are probably pronounced as P, H or F-sound.

关 键 词:P音考 万叶假名 闽南语 古汉语 

分 类 号:I106.35[文学—世界文学]
