
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:谷宝祥[1] 乔宇芳[1] GU Bao-xiang, QIAO Yu-fang (School of Foreign Languages, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin City 132022, China)


出  处:《吉林化工大学学报》2017年第6期 33-35,共3页Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology

摘  要:汉文训读语法是日本汉学家创造的一种独特的翻译、解读中国古代著作的措施,已有一千多年的历史,属于日本的汉学探讨领域。日本人为了便于阅读古汉语文献而发明的一种在汉字周围加点,以表示日语语法特征或发音措施。本文介绍几种常见的训点,说明由于古汉语文献的逐字训读,古汉语语法对日语训读语法的形成产生了巨大作用。kanbun kundoku is a unique translation way created by Japanese scholars in reading Chinese ancient literature. It is in the field of Japanese Sinology and has more than a thousand years of history. It adds some special points around the kanji to express the Japanese grammatical features or pronunciation. This article will introduce the common types of kunten and indicate that because of the verbatim Japanese kundoku, ancient Chinese grammar has had a tremendous influence on the Japanese kundoku grammar.

关 键 词:训点 训读法 返点 送假名 

分 类 号:H014[语言文字—语言学]
