
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:庞佳 PANG Jia(School of Foreign Languages, Sanda University, Shanghai 201709, China)


出  处:《广东外语外贸学院学报》2017年第1期93-100,共8页Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

摘  要:儿童绘本中的拟声拟态词,形态上以XYXY型最为典型,音韵上表现出的特点与幼儿在日常生活中所使用的拟声拟态特点基本一致,而借助拟声拟态词标识来构成派生词体现微妙差别也是绘本的特点之一。从语法功能上来看,兼具副词、动词、引用等多种用法,且接续形式更为灵活。拟声拟态词的多样性、创造性是其魅力所在,在绘本中发挥着不可替代的影响。In terms of form,onomatopoeias in Japanese picture books are most typically presented as XYXY; their phonemic features are basically the same as those used in daily life by children,while another feature of such picture books lies in the fact that there is subtle difference in onomatopoeia-derived words.From the viewpoint of syntactic function,onomatopoeias can also be used as adverb,verb,citation and the like,and are more flexible as well. Further,onomatopoeias are charming for their creativity and diversity,thus playing an irreplaceable role in Japanese picture books.

关 键 词:绘本 拟声拟态词 形态 音韵 语法功能 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
