
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:马婷婷[1,2] MA Ting-ting (Chinese Language and Literature College in HUAS, Xiangyang 441053; Department of Chinese Language and Literature in HUST, Wuhan Hubei 430074, China)

机构地区:[1]湖北文理大学文大学,湖北襄阳441053 [2]华中科技学院中文系,武汉430074

出  处:《襄阳职业技术大学学报》2017年第2期10-13,共4页Journal of Xiangfan Vocational and Technical College

基  金:湖北文理大学省级重点学科立项学科建设成果

摘  要:襄阳方言属西南官话鄂北片,带有浓郁的中原官话口音。采用实地隐蔽调查及问卷调查相结合的措施调查襄阳市女性社会称呼语的使用近况,发现其与普通话存在很大的相似性,但也活跃着"孃儿"及"孃"的变体、"嫲嫲"、"你郎儿"、"俩娃儿"等方言称呼语。襄阳城区女性社会称呼语的选择跟称呼者与称呼对象之间的熟悉程度、年龄辈分联系及称呼者的年龄、性别及城乡、教育背景密切相关。其中,年龄越大、生活所在地离城市中心越远、所受教育程度越低的人,受普通话的作用越小,选择方言称呼的频次越高;反之越低。This paper investigated on the social addresses to females in Xiangyang City according to the methods of questionnaire and coverted-investigation, which finds out that the system of social addresses to females in Xiangyang is similar to Putonghua, and there are some distinctive addresses, such as 孃儿 and its variations, 嫲嫲, 你 郎儿, 俩娃儿. The selection of the addresses is based on the age of the speaker, the familiarity between the speaker and listener, the gender and the education background of the speaker. To some degree, the older the speaker is, the further the speaker lived from the downtown, the less the speaker learned in school, the less the speaker affected by Putonghua, and the more dialect addresses are used in daily life, and vice versa.

关 键 词:襄阳市 女性 社会称呼语 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
