
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:方梅 Fang Mei;


出  处:《世界汉语教学》2017年第2期147-155,共9页Chinese Teaching in the World

摘  要:在指称功能方面,"这"和"那"的独立指称能力远不及"这个"和"那个"。表现为:作为代名词使用的时候,"这"和"那"在"把"字结构和"被"字结构的使用受限;做主语的时候,"这"和"那"都可以不指称个体性对象,用作语篇指,"这"还可以指言谈当下的状态或当下时间等;作为饰名成分使用的时候,"这"与"这个"、"那"与"那个"的饰名功能异同更为显著;语篇中引入一个新的言谈对象时,倾向于用"这+名词"直指现场对象,而"这个、那个"类双音节形式用在名词前时,其功能在于指别。"这"与"这个"、"那"与"那个"在指称功能、指示范畴扩展及篇章功能方面都存在显著异同。In this paper,the functional differences of Mandarin demonstratives are displayed by means of a comparison of the single syllable forms with their respective compound formations.It is suggested that single syllable demonstratives zhe and na have limited referential ability both in post verbal object position and in the ba-construction and bei-construction,whereas their compound formations zhege and nage can refer to an individual entity independently.As demonstrative adjectives,zhe and na are constraint in use when they occur in a coordinate phrasal modifier.When used as a modifier,zhe contributes to establishing an entity into the immediate situation rather than tracking an individual referent in previous text as what zhege does.While na has recognitional use in a noun phrase,it can not be replaced by the compound formation nage.Furthermore,the functional extensions of zhe and na are very different from their compound formations in deictic function and referential behavior.

关 键 词:指示词 单音节 双音节 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
