
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王翠 WANG Cui (Research Center for Chinese Language History, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310028, China)


出  处:《语言探讨》2017年第1期41-48,共8页Linguistics Study

摘  要:对于介词基于”的来源,学界观点有二:其一,源自古汉语动介跨层结构“基+于”;其二,日语论文,是国人在翻译日语的过程中创造出来的。本文通过略论传统文献用例,以及关系语法发展的一般规律,否定了前说,日语论文,并结合时代背景及早期用例,论证了介词基于”乃是19世纪末20世纪初在日语翻译的作用下由语言接触引发演变现象,是在对日语“ に基づく”摹译的基础上产生的新词,之后又在“至于、对于”等的同化下经历了“前移句首”的快速调整,从而日渐不同于“ に基づく”而更加汉语化。Jiyu(基于) is a frequently used preposition in modem written Chinese. As to its original, there are two kinds of opinions: one insists that it is derived from Verb-Preposition cross-structural combination "Ji(基) + Yu(于)" in Old Chinese, the other maintains that "it was created in Japanese translation". This paper argues that "Ji(基) + Yu(于)" is not preposition in Old Chinese and the former view overlooks the regularity of language evolution: gradualness and frequentistic. With the investigation of historical background and early cases of Jiyu(基于) (Prep), we argue that it is derived from Japanese " に基づく" and it is a case of contact-induced change. Later, under the effection of"Zhiyu(基于), Guanyu(对于)", it went through a process of moving to the beginning of a sentence which makes it more typical in Chinese.

关 键 词:“基于” 考源 语言接触 

分 类 号:H141[语言文字—汉语]
