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资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:孟宏 MENG Hong ( Department of Foreign Languages, Lvliang University, Lishi Shanxi 033000, China)


出  处:《吕梁大学学报》2017年第3期34-36,共3页Journal of Luliang Higher College

摘  要:当代的翻译探讨不仅关注具体翻译措施、技巧及理论,更关注的是存在于多语种如荷兰语、德语、日语、汉语、英语等翻译中的普遍规律。翻译普遍规律强调共性、一般性和普遍性,促使翻译探讨越来越科学化、系统化和客观化。但就其概念及相关假设,如简化、明晰化、标准化及干扰规律,不同学者的探讨成果都有所异同。可见,当前的翻译普遍规律探讨存在局限性,需要进一步论证探讨措施的科学性。The contemporary studies on translation are not only centered on the specific methods,techniques and theories,but also pay more attention to the universal rules hidden in multilingual translation,such as Dutch,German,Japanese,Chinese,English,etc. Translation universals emphasize similarity,generality and universality,which makes translation researches more scientifically,systematically and objectively. However,as to its definition and some hypotheses,such as simplification,explicitation,standardization,interference,various scholars have different findings in their studies. Therefore,the studies on translation universals at present have some limitations,which needs further argumentation about its existence and scientific methodology.

关 键 词:语料库 

分 类 号:H059[语言文字—语言学]
