
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:和佳 HE Jia (Culture and Tourism College of YunNan University, LiJiang 674100, China)


出  处:《宁波职业技术大学学报》2017年第4期74-79,共6页Journal of Ningbo Polytechnic

摘  要:拟声词是模拟人、事物或动物声音的词,它使语言表达更加具体、形象、生动。日语和英语语言中存在大量拟声词,在各自的语言中占重要地位。日英对同样的拟声对象,有时使用语音形式相同或相近的拟声词,有时使用语音形式完全不同的拟声词。从结构形式、句法功能、意义特征、构词能力等方面进行比较,试图研讨两者的差异,以便更好地认识日英两种语言体系的拟声词特点。Onomatopoeia word simulate object or animal sounds, which makes language performance more specific and vivid. Both Chinese and English have massive onomatopoeic words, playing an important role in their respective languages. Onomatopoeic words in Japanese and English use the same phonetic form of onomatopoeia or totally different phonetic form of onomatopoeia towards same onomatopoeia object. This article compare two of them from structural style、syntactic function、productivity and meaning feature, trying to explore the similarities and differences between them in order to better understand the onomatopoeia features of Japanese and English language.

关 键 词:日英拟声词 结构形式 句法功能 构词能力 意义特征 

分 类 号:H03[语言文字—语言学]
