
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:黄一丁 


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期101-110,共10页

摘  要:和歌中存在着大量的寄托了歌人思想感情的意象。从这些意象起源来看,其中有一部分的意象并不是在日本本土产生的,而是从中国大陆传入日本后,日语论文题目日语论文,经过了多年的演变与发展才最终被固定下来的,这样的意象笔者将之命名为“汉风意象”。这样一部分意象的起源变化往往与其他日本本土产生的意象不同,具有自身特有的规律,呈现出一定的复杂性与任意性。本文通过“菊”的意象入手,希望通过对这样一个典型的汉风意象的起源与发展的略论来以小见大,探究汉风意象起源与变化的规律。In Waka, a type of poetry in classical Japanese literature, poets often express their thoughts and sentiments by creating numerous "images". Tracing the origin of these images, it is noted that some of them did not originate in Japan. Instead, they were introduced from China, and have evolved for years before stabilizing as a common image. In this essay, the author categorizes the latter as "Chinese-style images". Unlike locally inspired images, Chinese-style images observe unique rules with complex features and a certain degree of spontaneity. This paper analyzes the origin and development of a typical Chinese-style image of "chrysanthemum", with the intention of reflecting some of the general rules in employing Chinese-style images in Waka.

关 键 词:和歌 意象 菊花 和汉比较文学 

分 类 号:H0[语言文字—语言学]
