
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:郭玉英 


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期65-72,共8页

基  金:2017年杭州市哲学社会科学常规性规划课题“以谈话模式理论分析日语「ソ」系指示词的语篇功能—兼与汉语对比”(项目号:M15JC040)的阶段性探讨成果

摘  要:「ソ」系指示词在语篇的衔接上有着不可忽视的影响。通过本文我们需要舍弃「ソ」系指示词只是取代先行文中的语言表现的传统思想。「ソ」系指示的不只是语言表现(先行词)其本身,而且还指示通过上下文而附加的信息甚至是变相。由于指示对象是限定于文脉的,所以「ソ」系指示词起到一个在向听话人提供信息1的基础上,进一步补充信息2的影响。另外,也通过日汉两种语言指示词表达的比较,充分说明了不同语言的两种不同认知模式。"So" indicators have an indispensable effect on the cohesion of discourse. We need to abandon the traditional thinking that "so" indicators only replace the language performance in the antecedent. These indicators instruct not only language performance(antecedent) itself, but also the additional information in the context, or even disguise it. Due to the indicated object being limited to the context, "so" indicators play the role of supplementing information 2 while providing information 1 to listeners. Further, comparing the expression of Japanese indicators and Chinese indicators can adequately show the differences in modes of cognition between the two languages.

关 键 词:指示词 谈话模式 语篇功能 

分 类 号:H314.3[语言文字—英语]
