作 者:秦刚 机构地区:北京外国语学院日本学探讨中心 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期20-26,共7页 摘 要:本文对日本战前制作的《日本第一桃太郎》《桃太郎之海鹫》《桃太郎海之神兵》等6部以桃太郎为主人公的动画电影展开略论,探析这些著作的制作、改编与各时期日本对外政策及他者想象之间的对应联系。征讨鬼岛的桃太郎故事在动画电影中被反复叙述和演绎,与昭和前期日本发动对外战争的时代轨迹相互交织与连动。This paper analyzes the six main animated movies that were produced before the Second Sino-Japanese War whose hero is Momotarō, including Momotarō the Undefeated, Momotarō no Umiwashi, and Momotarō: Umi no Shinpei. Through this analysis, the paper explores the corresponding relationship between the production and adaptation of these movies and the different periods of Japan's foreign affairs and image of others. The story of Momotarō conquering the Onigashima was repeatedly described and interpreted in these movies, which was intertwined with the trend of the times of early Showa, the period in which Japan invoked the war of foreign expansion. 关 键 词:漫画电影 分 类 号:J954[艺术—电影电视艺术] ,日语论文题目,日语毕业论文 |