
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:藤井淑祯 贾天琪 

机构地区:[1]立教学院文学部 [2]北京师范学院日文系

出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期1-6,共6页

摘  要:日本人的乡愁和山川风景有着紧密的关系。战后经济高速发展时期是乡愁文化的鼎盛期。这一时期,背井离乡的人们以故乡的风景为中心形成了乡愁文化。思乡曲是乡愁文化的推动力。在乡愁文化的氛围中,日本流行歌也迎来了鼎盛期。回顾历史,最初将乡愁与山川风景结合在一起的是在明治末产业革命时期离乡潮中感伤农村衰退而创作的歌曲《故乡》。在此之前,日本人乡愁的核心是陶渊明的归乡诗和其中所讴歌的山水画风景。百年后的今天,作为新乡愁的核心则是我们每个人身边的风景。寄予乡愁的风景渐渐由过去的山水画风景而变成我们身边熟悉的风景。Nostalgia of Japanese are tied strongly to the landscape with mountains and rivers. This nostalgia culture showed the most excitement in the post-war high-growth period. Leaving hometown person who large quantities appeared in this time has supported this. Nostalgia 's song was boosted this. Japan's popular song as background nostalgia culture also greet the golden age in this period.By the way,Song " Furusato " has tied the landscape of nostalgia and the mountains and rivers. " urusato" is the folding of leaving hometown boom of Meiji end of the Industrial Revolution,was made for the purpose of preventing rural devastation. It had become and earlier Japanese nostalgia of nuclei it was a homecoming and the poetry of To Enmei,where they touted the landscape painting specific landscape.Now it from 100 years have passed,our personal belongings of the landscape of one person is trying to emerge as a new nostalgia of the nucleus. To the former mountains and rivers of the personal belongings of the landscape from the landscape,it is 're about to change the landscape of nostalgia.

关 键 词:风景 乡愁 经济高速发展时期 思乡曲 陶渊明 

分 类 号:I206.7[文学—中国文学]
