
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期7-13,共7页

摘  要:探戈在1910年代由西方舞者和从法国归来的知识分子引入日本。与之前为日本所熟知的欧洲交谊舞不同,探戈靠唱片伴奏在商业舞厅跳,或者在电影院展演,给人以异国情趣和"色情"之感。从1920年代开始,它成为城市中产阶级文化的一部分。本文首先研讨了1930年代以前日本接受探戈的状况,特别是早期的异国情趣、教学模式以及进口唱片的功用。其次对创作于1930年代为探戈提供旋律的日本流行乐曲进行了考察,它们一般与充满激情的爱以及接受了拉丁模式的舞者有着关联。另外,欧洲语境下的异国情趣中混杂了在战争状态下日本发现的中国趣味。最后,本文对歌曲《中国探戈》进行了略论。Tango was transmitted to Japan in the 1910 s by Western show dancers and Japanese intellectuals returning from Paris. Unlike the earlier European social dancing known to Japan(symbolized by the Rokumeikan soiree in the 1880s), it was danced in commercial ballrooms,sometimes with records, as well as shown in cinemas, and it was received with a sense of exoticism and eroticism. It became part of urban middle- class culture from the 1920 s. The first part of this paper discusses Japan's reception of tango up to the 1930 s, focusing on the early impressions of eroticism, the mode of teaching, and the role of imported recordings. The second part is dedicated to the overview of Japanese popular songs applying tango rhythms composed in the 1930 s. These were usually associated with passionate love and dance, accepting the Latin stereotype. In addition, the exoticism in the European context was mixed with the Chinese exoticism explored by the war situation in Japan. The paper concludes with a rough analysis of the song titled China Tango.

关 键 词:交谊舞 大众文化 东方主义 

分 类 号:J732.8[艺术—舞蹈]
