
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:邵建国 姜瑛 SHAO Jian-guo,JIANG Ying(Japanese Department, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, 100089)


出  处:《日本问题探讨》2017年第1期8-16,共9页Japan Problem Studies

基  金:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助重点项目(2017JJ021)

摘  要:日俄战争之前黑龙会首领内田良平的开战策动,是战前大陆浪人作用日本政府外交决策的重要例证。内田的开战策动分4个阶段:第1阶段(1897年-1901年)内田四度潜入俄国,出于对俄国的危机感与对俄国国内矛盾的洞悉而强烈主张开战论,由此拉开了大陆浪人开战策动的序幕;第2阶段(1902年)内田良平及黑龙会伺国际局势而动,对俄国采取了绥靖与备战两手准备;第3阶段(1903年-1904年)因俄国拒绝履行从中国东北撤兵的约定,日语论文,内田再度对俄国持强硬态度。向军部提议作战方略未获采纳后,日语毕业论文,内田转而为开战煽动舆论,同时在日俄战争媾和谈判时期与政府合作、缓和及引导民众舆论;第4阶段是朴茨茅斯媾和谈判时期,内田与其他对俄强硬团体逐渐划清界限,转而协助政府的媾和政策。Before the Russo-Japanese War, the leader of Black Dragon Society, Uchida Ryohei put forward war instigation, it demonstrated strongly that the governmental diplomatic polices were affected by main land Ronin. Uchida Ryohei" war instigation could be divided into four stages. In the first stage (1897- 1901) ,Uchida Ryohei sneaked into Russia four times,with the sense of crisis on the Russia's invasion and the insight into Russia's domestic conflicts, Uchida Ryohei advocated strongly to declare the war, which opened the prelude of the Japanese continental Roniffs instigation. In the second stage (1902) ,in considera- tion of the international situation, Uchida Ryohei and his Black Dragon Soci cy and war preparation to Russia. In the third stage (1903--1904) ,because promise of withdrawal from northeast China,Uchida Ryohei got mended his war plan to the military headquarters, but failed. The toug n,he ety of took both appeasement poli Russia's failure in keeping its h with Russia once again and recom began to instigate the public opinion for the war on one hand,and on the other hand,he cooperated with the government,relaxed and guided the public opinions during the period of negot Portsmouth Peace Talks were held,and Uc iation of Russo-Japanese War. In the fourth stage (1905), the hida started to split up with other hard-liners toward Russia and tended to assistant government's Peace Policy.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:K313.4[历史地理—历史学;历史地理—世界史]
