
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张博 Zhang Bo


出  处:《日本探讨》2017年第1期90-96,共7页Japan Studies

基  金:教育部人文社科青年基金项目(15YJC770025)阶段性成果

摘  要:大江健三郎的小说《水死》问世之后,其中引用夏目漱石名作《心》的"时代精神"段落、一直是国内日本文学探讨的热点。假如从漱石文学一贯的"未来视角"入手略论,就能发现小说中的角色除了推动情节的影响外,还有国家性的隐喻功能,即"我"代表大正日本而"先生"代表明治日本。小说中的"时代精神"也因此具有了个人层面与国家层面的双重含义。对"先生"自杀身亡结局的安排,不仅表达了作者呼吁青年人警惕"个人主义"的误用,更是他向发动侵略战争的天皇制所提出的强烈批判。Since the Ooekenzaburou's Suishi came out, the content that quoted "Spirit of the time" in Natsumesouseki's work-- Kokoro has been the hotspot of domestic Japanese Literature Research. From the perspective of future, it is easy to find that characters in the novels not only can push the plot, but also have the national metaphor function, that "I" represent Taisho era while "sensei" represent Meiji era. Because of this, Spirit of the time in novel has the double meaning of individual level and national level. The arrangement to the ending that "sensei" committed suicide expresses the author's warning to teenagers of the misuse of individualism and strong criticism to the Mikado system that executed a war of aggression.

关 键 词:时代精神 天皇制 夏目漱石 乐观主义 

分 类 号:I106[文学—世界文学]
