
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:杨伟 唐先容 YANG Wei TANG Xianrong


出  处:《外国语文》2017年第6期49-54,共6页Journal of Sichuan International Studies University

基  金:国家社会科学基金项目“《铜锣》同人草野心平、黄瀛、宫泽贤治探讨”(12BWW013); 四川外国语学院重点项目“黄瀛与日本现代主义诗歌”(sisu201702)的阶段性成果

摘  要:中日混血诗人黄瀛曾活跃在20世纪二三十年代的日本诗坛上,后因中日政治风云的变化于1931年回国从戎,几乎从日本诗坛上销声匿迹,直到1984年才在日本友人的鼎力协助下实现了再度访日的夙愿。本文根据笔者近年来多方收集整理的原始资料,考察了黄瀛此次访日活动得以实现的始末,给中日文化交流史增添了充满细节的温暖一页。Active in the Japanese poetic world in the 1920 s or 1930 s,Huang Ying,a poet of mixed Chinese and Japanese origin,returned to China and joined in the army for political vicissitude,disappearing from the Japanese poetic world until1984 when he realized his dream of visiting Japan again with the assistance of Japanese friends. Relying on the first-hand materials collected by the author from various sources in recent years,this paper conducts a textual research on what contributes to the success of this visit,adding a detailed and comfortable page to the history of cultural exchange between China and Japan.

关 键 词:黄瀛 1984年访日 中日文化交流 

分 类 号:I109.9[文学—世界文学]
