作 者:李丹蕊[1] LI Dan-rui(Japanese Studies, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin, 300204, China) 机构地区:[1]天津外国语学院日语大学,天津300204 出 处:《延边学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第4期87-92,共6页Journal of Yanbian University(Social Sciences) 摘 要:“动漫日语”是日本国际交流基金会为顺应网络化时代对动漫日语教学的需求,于2017年推出的新型网络学习平台.该平台在如何将广大动漫爱好者的兴趣爱好转化为可持续发展的学习动力方面进行了诸多可贵的尝试,对传统日语教育模式有以下突破:以满足学习者的兴趣需求为基本出发点,更新了传统日语教育只重知识灌输,忽视学习者兴趣爱好的陈旧观念;将测试与竞猜游戏、评价与奖励融为一体,寓教于乐,改变了传统日语教育机械呆板的形象;实现了语言知识和社会文化因素的高度结合,从而与偏重标准化日语教学的传统教育形成互补."Anime Japanese" is a new online learning platform launched in 2017 by Japan Foundation to meet the needs of Anime Japanese learners. The platform has made many valuable efforts in how to turn learners' interests into sustainable motives for learning when comparing to the traditional Japanese teaching model, its starting point is to meet learners' interests and refresh the traditional stereotypes of knowledge instilled' it changes the rigid image of traditional Japanese teaching by integrating the tests, quiz games, assessments and rewards together' it highly combines language with social cultural elements, and complements well the traditional Japanese teaching, which focuses more on standardization. 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文题目,日语毕业论文 |