
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王连娣[1] WANG Lian-di


出  处:《郑州航空工业管理大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第4期99-102,共4页Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management(Social Science Edition)

基  金:辽宁省成人教育学会2017-2017年度成人高等教育专项科研课题“基于JF“can-do”评价体系的成人日语自主学习策略探讨(LC1427)”的阶段性成果

摘  要:日本人对猫的喜爱已经发展为世界上独树一帜的"猫文化"。日本从古典文学著作《枕草子》、《源氏物语》中就开始记载对于猫的故事;而夏目漱石的《我是猫》更是赋予了猫以人的性格,从猫的视角去观察人类的生活,发泄对社会不公之不满。对于猫的动漫更是不胜枚举,如《守护猫娘绯鞠》、《猫的报恩》、《猫眼三姐妹》等。此外,日本还有如「猫の手も借りたいほど忙しい」(忙得不可开交)、「猫の額(面积窄小)之类谚语,透过猫揭示社会生活现象及社会客观规律等。以上种种可见日本人对猫的喜欢已经渗透到各个领域。文章对日语谚语中的"猫谚"进行分类总结,尝试透过"猫谚"审视日本的猫文化内涵。As is well-known,there is a particular affection for cat in Japan. Originally,the cat was brought from China as a pet at the court,and then cat assurance,cat hotel and various cat services were produced. Furthermore,the love for cat has been developed into a unique culture in Japan. It was recorded that cat was described in the classic works "The Pillow Book","The Tale of Genji",and in "I'm a Cat?",Natsume Souseki described life and vented his dissatisfaction with the society from a cat's view. Apart from works,there are countless cartoon movies like"Omamori Himari","The Cat Returns","Cat's Eye",etc.. In addition,there are also proverbs about cat in Japanese — to be busy and want the kitten's hand( busy),the cat's forehead( narrow) — describing every field of social life. This paper attempts to look into the connotation of cat culture in Japan through classifying Japanese cat proverbs.

关 键 词:日语 猫 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
