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资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:潘郁红[1] 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期70-79,共10页

摘  要:日本漫画作为日本大众文化的重要组成部分,已经得到人们的广泛共识。世界范围内有越来越多的年轻人因为热爱日本漫画而关注日本、学习语,中国也不例外。但是,日语论文,就如何在日语课堂上有效应用日本漫画进行日语教育这个课题,国内的日语教育探讨界还鲜有系统探讨。本文拟从日本漫画及其作用力、漫画与日语教育的联系、故事漫画在日语教育中的应用案例、今后的课题和展望四个方面研讨日本漫画在日语教育中的应用问题,以期抛砖引玉,日语论文,促使更多的同行共同来关注这一课题。It is widely acknowledged that Japanese manga is an important component of Japanese pop culture. Research has shown that more and more young people around the world show interest in Japan and learn Japanese just because they love Japanese manga, and China is no exception. A systematical study on how to use Japanese manga in Japanese teaching has not yet appeared in China. This article discusses the application of manga in Japanese teaching in four aspects, and attempts to draw more attention to manga as a subject for further research.

关 键 词:日本漫画 日语教育 会话语境 语用能力 

分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语]
