
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:盛春[1] SHENG Chun (School of Foreign Language, Anhui University of Finance & Economics, Bengbu 233030, Anhui, China)


出  处:《合肥大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第2期127-130,共4页Journal of Hefei University:Social Sciences

基  金:安徽财经学院教学探讨项目“日语系学生听说能力培养探讨”(ACJYYB201778)、安徽财经学院教学探讨项目“高校新建日语系课程设置探讨”(ACJYYB201757)基金资助.

摘  要:建构主义理论下的多媒体技术在日语听力教学中的影响主要表现为提高学生对知识的接受度,使学生掌握纯正的发音,有利于学生了解更多的日本文化,加强师生间的交流,真正实现因材施教。笔者略论了日语听力的重要性及其教学近况、多媒体教学的影响和弊端,进而对建构主义理论指导下多媒体技术与听力教学如何结合提出了自己的建议。In the view of eonstructivism theory, muhimedia technology in the teaching of Japanese listening is mainly to improve students' acceptance of knowledge, enable students to master the purer pronunciation, help them learn more about Japanese culture, enhance communication between students and teachers, so as to teach students in accordance with their aptitude truly. The importance and the situation of Japanese listening teaching, the role of multimedia in its teaching and the drawbacks have been analyzed, and then proposals to combine multimedia technology and teaching of Japanese listening have been put forward.

关 键 词:建构主义 多媒体技术 日语听力 

分 类 号:G431[文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
