
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:关铠含[1] GUAN Kai-han(School of Foreign Languages,Xuchang College,Xuchang,Henan 461000)


出  处:《牡丹江教育大学学报》2017年第3期128-129,共2页

摘  要:当前日语教学仍然受传统教学模式的作用,注重学生的语法能力,相对忽视学生的语用能力。面对生活中学生出现的"语用失败",结合我国日语语用教学的近况,课堂上开展潜移默化的语用教学是很有必要的。语用知识是应该教授,也是可以教授的。通过教学内容、教学手段、评价方式的改革、显性教学和隐形教学措施的结合才能真正提高学生的语用能力。还应注意进一步完善日语教材,更加注重文化教学和语言关系,教师不断自我学习,才能实现师生语用能力的共同提高。At present,the Japanese teaching is still influenced by the traditional teaching mode,paying attention to students’ linguistic competence,while it relatively neglects the students’ pragmatic competence.Facing "pragmatic failure" appearing in the life by students and combined with the present situation of Japanese pragmatic teaching of China,the classroom teaching in the pragmatic teaching is a very necessary.Pragmatic knowledge should and also can be taught.Through the reforms of the teaching content,teaching methods and the evaluation,the combination of dominant teaching and invisible teaching method can really improve the students’ pragmatic competence.In the future,we should also pay attention to perfecting the Japanese teaching material,and the connection of cultural teaching and language.Besides,the teachers must constantly learn by themselves.Only in this way can teachers realize the improvement of teachers and students’ pragmatic competence.

关 键 词:语用教学 语用能力 交际 

分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语]
