
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:彭广陆[1] Peng Guanglu (Male) Year of Birth: 1957 Professor in the Department of Japanese Language and Culture, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University Japanese Linguistics Study, Sino-Japanese Contrastive Study E-mail: penggl@pku.edu.cn


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第4期1-11,共11页

摘  要:现代汉语的新词中有不少来自日语的借词,"人脉"即为其中之一。本文对"人脉"借自日语的情况进行了考察,基本搞清了「人脈」在日语中出现的大致时间和辞书中收录的情况,同时也搞清了「人脈」进入汉语词汇体系的大致时间和词典中的收录情况,并对「人脈」和"人脉"词义和使用上的异同进行了初步的论述。Many neologisms in modem Chinese are Japanese loanwords, one of which is "renmai" from the Japanese word "jinmyaku". This article aims to explore how "renmai" was introduced into Chinese by investigating the approximate time of appearance of "jinmyaku" in Japanese, how it was included in Japanese dictionaries, the approximate time when "renmai" entered the Chinese vocabulary system, and how it was included in Chinese dictionaries. In addition, this paper describes the differences of "jinmyaku" and "renmai" from the aspects of meanings and usages, and gives a preliminary description of the variation of "jinmyaku" after its entry into Chinese.

关 键 词:汉语新词 日语借词 

分 类 号:H146.3[语言文字—汉语]
