
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:徐一平[1] 施建军[1] 沈燕菲 

机构地区:[1]北京日本学探讨中心 [2]海南省外事侨务办公室

出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第2期 95-101,共7页

摘  要:本文通过三个语音实验对中国人日语学习者的日语结构歧义句的消歧手段进行了统计略论,结果发现中国人日语学习者主要是通过调节句中各成分的比重来区别歧义句的不同意义的。作为中间语言的中国学习者的日语,日语毕业论文日语毕业论文,其独特的韵律特征既体现了中国学生对目标语言日语的习得特点,又反映了母语汉语韵律对目标语言韵律特征的负迁移。这种独特的韵律特征在中国人日语学习者的日语中具有普遍性。This study performed three phonetic experiments and found that Chinese speakers distinguish meanings of structurally ambiguous Japanese sentences mainly by adjusting the proportion of each part in the sentence. The unique prosodic features in Chinese speakers' structurally ambiguous Japanese sentences reflect not only a feature of the acquisition of Japanese by Chinese learners, but also the negative transfer of Chinese. These unique prosodic features are playing across the experience of Chinese learners of Japanese.

关 键 词:韵律特征 

分 类 号:H08[语言文字—语言学]
